Views Business as a ‘goods producing process’.
The seller is the center of the business universe; activities start with the seller’s existing products.
Views business as a ‘customer satisfying process’.
The buyer is the center of the business universe; activities follow the buyer and his needs.
Selling starts with the seller and is preoccupied all the time with the needs of the seller.
The firm makes the product first and then figures out how to sell it and make a profit.
Marketing starts with the buyer and constantly focuses on the buyer’s needs.
What is to be offered as a product is determined by the Customer. The firm makes a ‘total product offering’ .....
Cost determines the price.
Emphasis is on ‘somehow selling’; There is no coordination among the different functions of the total marketing task.
The consumer determines the price; the price determines costs.
Emphasis is on integrated marketing; an integrated strategy covering product,....