What do you mean by Formalization?

Ans: The degree to which organizational jobs are standardized is Formalization. When a job is highly formalized, the employee has very little freedom over what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, and how. Employees have a great deal of discretion in their work and workplace behaviors are mainly unprogrammed where there … Read more

What do you mean by Departmentalization?

Ans: It is the basis on which jobs are grouped. 1) One of the most popular ways to group activities is by functions performed, (departmentalization by function) only the function change to reflect the organization’s objectives and activities. 2) The departmentalization of tasks according to the kind of product the company creates is another option. … Read more

Compare Centralisation and Decentralisation concepts.

Ans: Centralization refers to the degree to which decision-making is concentrated at a single point in the organization. Typically, it’s said that if top management makes the organization’s key decisions with little or no input from lower-level personnel, the organization is Centralized. Employees are less likely to feel alienated from those who make the decisions … Read more

A brief essay on “Authority and Responsibility”

Authority and Responsibility Delegation of Authority Delegation is the method by which power is transferred from one managerial level to another. As organizations grow in size and complexity, no one person can perform all the tasks or exercise all the authority needed to accomplish goals. Division of work and delegation of authority are two different … Read more

Briefly discuss the Job Enrichment.

Ans: Job enrichment was developed by Fredrick Herzberg to overcome the shortcomings of job rotation and job enlargement by giving the worker more responsibility and actual control over the job. Herzberg argued that increasing the range and variety of jobs is insufficient to meet the worker’s motivational needs. Job enrichment, sometimes known as vertical job … Read more

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