Give the name of six training methods of managers.


  1. Conferences and seminars
  2. Creation of the post of assistant manager,
  3. Taskforce for a special assignment,
  4. Internal coaching and study courses,
  5. Job rotation and job assignment,
  6. Analysis of case study.

Define promotion.


The term “promotion” denotes the advancement of an employee to a better and higher job. Promotion refers to transferring an employee to a new position, which indicates higher pay, privileges, or status than the old one. Dale Yoder asserts that “promotion is a shift to a position in which duties and probably status are raised.

ভারতের 5টি সেরা বর্ষাকালীন গন্তব্য 5 Best Monsoon Destinations in India What is Scientific Management? What are the Functions of Management? What is the concept of Management?
ভারতের 5টি সেরা বর্ষাকালীন গন্তব্য 5 Best Monsoon Destinations in India What is Scientific Management?