The main function of Personnel or Human Resource Management is the proper utilization of human force to achieve the goals of the organisation. Following are the major objectives of Personnel or Human Resource Management.
1. Maintenance of proper Organisation structure: For the smooth running of a business organisation, there must exist a desirable working relationship among all the members of the organisation and this becomes possible only when functions, positions, responsibilities and authorities are properly divided and described.
2. Selection of Proper Personnel: The major function of personnel / Human Resource Management is to recruit/select the most efficient and skilled personnel for the proper position. The personnel department supplies the most efficient personnel for different departments of the organisation when required.
3. Determination of scale of pay: The personnel department will determine the pay structure for the employees so selected by them considering their qualifications, experience, job responsibilities etc. If the employees are remunerated according to their qualities they will be motivated and the organisation will be benefited.
4. Fixation for Training/Promotion: After recruiting the employees and fixating their pay scale, it is the duty of the personnel department for providing proper training to those employees. The personnel department also has to take up the responsibility for the proper arrangements for the promotion of the employees after their performance appraisal.
5. Employer and Employee relation or labour relation: The success of a business is fully dependent on the labour force and this can be achieved with a good labour relation i.e., a peaceful relation between employee and employer. A proper environment will be created with the development of employer and employee relations. Hence, the function of the personnel department is to maintain a good relationship between employer and employee.
6. Welfare of the employees: To motivate the employees, every organisation should have proper provisions for various types of welfare / recreational activities for employees. The welfare activities include safety in the factory, provision for medical treatment / medical facilities, retirement benefits, coverage of Mediclaim insurance, accidental insurance, bonus, indoor/outdoor games, recreational activities etc.
Hence the function of the personnel department is to promote/organize and conduct the above welfare / recreational activities.