The behavioral school of management emphasized precisely what the classical theory ignored i.e. the human element. The school of behavioral management theory evolved to recognize the importance of human behavior in organizations. The behavioral approach to management recognized the importance of behavioral processes in the workplace and placed a much greater focus on individual attitudes and behaviors as well as group processes. The significant contributions of behavioral thinkers are “MARY PARKAR FOLLET”, and “DOUGLAS MC. GREGOR” AND “CHRIS ARGYRIS“.
Mary Parker Follet was an early advocate of the behavioral school of management. She became a modern management pioneer who made important contributions to human resource management. She had a firm conviction that people who worked in organizations were constantly impacted by the groups they were a member of. She recommended that businesses operate under the “power with” rather than “power over” principle. Power represents the ability to influence and cause change. She stated that rather than being based on a hierarchy, power should be a concept formed socially and cooperatively and involves both superiors and subordinates working as a team. Follet wanted organizations to become more democratic in accommodating employees and managers. In her opinion, to make employees work harder managers had to recognize the individual’s motivating desires.